More than None, Sooner than Never

Smallest possible action.  Make it simple, safe and sustainable. Focus on the fundamentals of sleep, eating, getting basic exercise, sunlight and taking care of yourself.   This can be survival mode. Make these actions the smallest possible, if necessary, just breathe.   


Social Connection IRL

Find someone you can bounce ideas off.  Let them know what you want to achieve, why, and how.  Tell them your next step.  Sharing will help you stay motivated and accountable. Also be aware of the impact you can have when others need to connect and share with you.


Embrace Imperfection

Acknowledge who you are, your past and present, what you’ve been through.  Where you are now is exactly where you are meant to be. We are told in so many aspects of our lives that we need to be perfect and it's just completely unrealistic. The way to battle this is to embrace imperfection and focus on making progress.


Progress that Lasts

Get at it.  Now is the time to make big changes and stay focused.  Your priority and energy align.  Do not invest in hitting goals, instead change your environment, systems, values and habits for Progress that Lasts.  


Compounding is Key

Success builds over time.  Doing the right things repeatedly will not show huge results instantly, but will build slowly over time.  


Infinite Game / Love the journey

Life is an infinite game, with no score, no winner and the purpose is simply to play better.  Short term goals and results can be self-destructive.  Focus on getting a little bit better all the time, until you can no longer play. 



Specialise. Gain a Depth of Knowledge in your chosen field that few have reached. Align Priorities so that your world overlaps across your career, hobbies, lifestyle, relationships, wealth, health and fitness.   Learn the art of deliberate practice.


Go Beyond

Become a Leading expert.  Contribute to the body of knowledge in your specialist areas.  Learn. Teach. Publish.