For anyone to make progress in their health and fitness journey they need to get the basics down first. So here’s all the information to get you started.
Calouries in, Calouries out
Your body needs food for fuel. Much like your car needs fuel to run so too does your body. It uses the calories you get from food to fuel your basal metabolic rate (BMR), digestion, and physical activity. When the amount of calories you consume is the same as the amount of calories you burn, your weight will remain stable. When your calories consumed are less than your calories burned you will lose weight and when your calories consumed are more than your calories burned you will gain weight. The first step is to know how many calories you are consuming and how many you need for normal daily life (BMR).
Tracking your macros
Foods are made up of three macronutrients - carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Macronutrient recommendations vary depending on many factors. Tracking macros is next level and not necessary in the beginning. To start tracking macros you will first need to consult with a coach/nutritionist to determine what your macronutrient needs are. The easiest way to log macros/calories is to use an app like Calorie King/My Fitness Pal.
Macronutrient counting is an excellent tool for those looking to lose weight/build muscle. It can promote healthier eating and improved diet quality. When trying to reach specific macronutrient goals, focus on foods rich in the macronutrients you need to consume the most.
Habit beats motivation
Habit beats motivation in helping us move toward our goals. We have limited reserves of motivation and willpower, to draw on and motivate ourselves — to work on routine but important tasks. Habits are more reliable and work predictably — so we must unleash the power of habits.
Progressive overload
Progressive overload is when you gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training routine. This challenges your body and allows your musculoskeletal system to get stronger.