Horizontal Leg Press


TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus

MOVEMENTS: Hip extension, knee extension,

  1. Sit on the machine with your back resting comfortably against the padded support. Place your feet on the footplate about hip-width apart while ensuring that your heels are flat. Your bottom should be flat against the seat rather than raised. Your legs should form an angle of about 90 degrees at the knees when in flexion.

  2. Brace your abdominals, press through the heels to push the platform away but make sure your feet remain flat on the footplate. The front of your foot or toes should never be used exclusively to move the pad forward, this will load your knees too much.

  3. While exhaling, extend your legs and keep your back flat against the seat pad. Extend with slow control rather than with an explosive movement.

  4. Pause at the top of the movement. Do not lock out your knees and ensure your knees are tracking inline with your toes.

  5. While inhaling, return the footplate to the starting position by gradually bending the knees. Keep the feet and back flat throughout.